BooooooK Covers by The Wild Detectives
Every year, the American Library Association and Amnesty International promotes Banned Books Week, an awareness campaign that celebrates the freedom to read. In response to the rising number of book bans across the United States, The Wild Detectives bookstore in Dallas saw an opportunity to raise awareness. During Halloween, they created book covers that could also be used as Halloween book costumes. titles were named after spooky creatures, such as "The Attack of the Censoring Zombies," "The Ban-pire," "The Anti-Freedom Ghost," "The Monster Senator," "Karen, the Intolerant Witch," and "The Discriminatory Werewolf." The aim was to draw attention to this alarming problem. And by using a simple hack, The Wild Detectives successfully raised awareness about book banning and inspired more individuals to assert their right to read and explore diverse perspectives. By doing so, people could develop their own opinions on the matter and the broader issue of book banning.